November: the month of dental health & discounts!

Every November, dental health takes center stage in Hungary as part of the Dental Month campaign. This is one of the largest national campaigns that numerous dental practices also participate in – including Hungarodental!

The goal of Dental Month is to draw attention to the importance of oral hygiene, oral and dental care, and preventative care. Dentists aim to assist in solving health problems through this campaign.

The campaign carries three key messages that greatly contribute to maintaining the health of our mouths and teeth.

The three most important messages of Dental Month are:

  • Brush your teeth before bedtime and at least once during the day!
  • Reduce the consumption of sugary foods and drinks!
  • Regularly visit your dentist as often as recommended!

A healthy smile is of enormous value! It plays a crucial role in our self-confidence, influencing our career and relationships.

On top of that, our teeth serve essential functions in our lives. They allow us to chew food perfectly, aid in digestion, shape our faces, and enable clear speech. Therefore, there is no doubt that they require the utmost care.

During Dental Month, there is an opportunity to assess the health of our mouths, understand why a healthy smile is crucial, and receive tips on maintaining and improving our oral health.

For those who have not done so this year, visit your dentist for the recommended annual check-up and dental cleaning.

In November 2023, we would like to contribute to the preservation of our patients’ dental health, so this month, we have prepared three special offers for you! (Free consultations, implants, and discounts on treatments!)

For more information on our current offers, please contact our team by phone: +36 70 429 0157